保定環(huán)氧地坪的使用周期是有限的,所以在地坪使用一定年限后都會(huì )進(jìn)行翻新。環(huán)氧地坪漆的材料使用時(shí)間達到一定的年限后就會(huì )出現一定程度的破損、老化、褪色等問(wèn)題。全新環(huán)氧地坪表面光澤度高,色彩鮮艷,能夠很好的美化周?chē)沫h(huán)境,且新環(huán)氧地坪不起塵不起砂,對生產(chǎn)作業(yè)無(wú)影響。但當環(huán)氧地坪的使用年限長(cháng)后,就會(huì )出現上述問(wèn)題,這時(shí)候就需要對舊環(huán)氧地坪進(jìn)行翻新處理了。
Epoxy flooring has a limited life cycle, so it will be renovated after a certain number of years of use. The material of epoxy floor paint will be damaged, aged and faded to a certain extent after it has been used for a certain period of time. The new epoxy flooring has high gloss and bright color, which can beautify the surrounding environment very well, and the new epoxy flooring has no dust and no sand, and has no impact on the production operation. But when the epoxy floor is used for a long time, the above problems will arise. At this time, it is necessary to renovate the old epoxy floor.
How to choose appropriate methods and precautions for the renovation of old epoxy floors? The main points needing attention in the renovation of the old epoxy floor are as follows:
1. When renovating the floor, the selection of materials must take into account whether they are compatible with the original floor paint. Each manufacturer produces different products, so as to avoid incompatible problems as far as possible.
2. Oil contamination on the surface of old epoxy flooring should be treated before construction.
3. The ground needs to be polished and leveled before construction.
4. Check whether it is necessary to remove the old floors. If the old floors are smeared and aged seriously, they can be removed after soaking in water.
5. The floor with empty drum must be cleared before construction.